Gardens Among Us
copyright © Sophia Khan
Gardens Among Us.
A watercolor of a place, a poet, that made my heart soften. The mausoleum of Persian poet, Hafiz, located in Shiraz.
I hope this message reaches you in the best of health, wellness, and safety. And I wish this for all of your family and loves ones.
A few thoughts that have been coming to me these days, while we are globally witnessing this challenge, are as follows.
If we can collectively feel the effects of what is now upon us, what if we dare to dream that on the other side of this, we can together experience an abundance of joy. The portal to arriving at that place is deeper devotion to our truths and higher selves.
Because we are collectively open to one another right now.
Our global experience has opened us up to knowing that there is no other. There is only us.
As shared by ever inspiring artist Shirin Neshat, a quote from Saadi, a Persian poet, also buried in Shiraz:
"The sons of Adam are limbs of eachother,
Having been created of one essence.
When the calamity of time affects one limb,
the other limbs cannot remain at rest..."
Let us be and share from the place of tenderness we are now in. Together in this, and together on the other side of this.
We will find our way. We will find our opening.
Much love,