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Filtering by Tag: Spain

Courtyard of the Mexuar, Alhambra II

Sophia Khan

copyright © Sophia Khan~watercolor on Arches paper

Ode to the Alhambra

The Alhambra is a place that seems to exist outside the confines of time and space.

The word 'Architecture' not quite suitable in doing it justice, the Alhambra is more felt than seen. It is no wonder my attempts at capturing it in a sketchbook proved fruitless.

One feels as if in another world, briefly transported; briefly, but in those moments an eternity is evoked from within these whispering walls.

Though we touch not its gently flowing waters, we glide on its serene path. 

A seemingly endless sequence of places slowly unfolds, never disappointing from one to the next-our eyes remaining wide-eyed throughout; our hearts newly awakened.

A feeling of lightness takes over here; something shifts, something is forever moved. We leave but it leaves not us. The magic is instilled! 

by Sophia Khan

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Courtyard of the Mexuar, Alhambra

Sophia Khan

copyright © Sophia Khan~Watercolor on Arches paper

"My position is that of a crown and my door is a parting of ways; the West believes that in me is the East..." ~ Inscribed on the frieze of the facade in the Courtyard of the Mexuar, Alhambra, Granada

New here? Be sure to have a look at my gallery of watercolors here. 

Cordoba Commission

Sophia Khan

cordoba mosque preliminary watercolor sketch II copyright sophia khan.jpg

Above: Preliminary watercolor sketch of a dome in the Cordoba Mosque 

Some time ago, I received a small commission through a silent auction I had donated my painting services to.  The donor wanted a watercolor based on a photograph she had taken several years ago during a trip to Spain.  The site was the Mezquita in Cordoba, Andalusia. 

I enjoyed the beginning stages of preparing a small preliminary sketch, shown above, before I started working on the final piece.  Diving into a new subject and experimenting with various color schemes and compositions was all part of the fun and process of working on this watercolor.