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Filtering by Tag: How Travel Enriches

Persian Dawn, Persepolis

Sophia Khan

Persian Dawn, Persepolis ~ copyright © Sophia Khan

Persian Dawn, Persepolis ~ copyright © Sophia Khan

As I lovingly painted the ancient ruins of Persepolis in Iran, or Persia, as seems more befitting for this subject, I pondered the following question: What makes historic cities, monuments, and ruins capture our interest? Why do we travel to see them? 

My hunch is that it is partly this: All our lives, we hone that which makes us unique. We are told that what makes us different from others, is also what makes us special. While this is beautiful and true, there is another side to our nature, which these places allow us to uncover. In our everyday lives, we celebrate our unique qualities. And then, when we travel, I believe it is these historic cities, monuments, and ruins that allow us, for a moment, to have a glimpse of feeling connected to a past much larger than ourselves.

And it is within this past, that we truly are truly able to celebrate and deepen the appreciation for this very moment that we occupy in time. When we return to our everyday lives, we are enriched with this sense of having been part, even if just for a brief moment, of the magic of this past which can almost feel eternal, and can also feel collective.

This is one of the many ways in which travel enriches, nourishes, and feeds our spirit. It is one of the many reason why I enjoy travel so. The deeper the history, the more vibrant the past, the more colorful my experience of being there and the more it has to offer me.

I am excited to share that the above watercolor, which celebrates these very things, is for sale as an original ~ $370 + complimentary shipping in the US. Simply contact me through my "Connect" page.

How Travel Enriches. Inspiration No. 1

Sophia Khan

We have all heard of the many benefits of foreign travel and many of us know of them through our own experiences venturing abroad.  In these posts I will be sharing different ways that travel has enriched my own life over a period of time. 

​You learn things about yourself that may have otherwise been hidden from you in your usual surroundings.

When we travel, and especially when we do it alone, we are freed of the following:

  • our usual environment
  • our usual comforts
  • our usual way of doing things
  • our usual expectations of things, and
  • the usual people we are around

​Why is this good?  When we are stripped of the familiar, we are able to see things from a fresh perspective.

​It could be that while wandering off alone, you hear yourself thinking, I enjoy being an introvert.  It’s actually fun and adventurous.  Or, if you are more of an extrovert, you may hear yourself saying, I don’t actually need people around me all the time to enjoy myself.

​In addition, you may come to enjoy certain things that previously seemed foreign to you.  Several years ago, I made a move from working in NYC to living in Italy.  Not being in a rush all the time and slowing down frequently, as is common in Italy, was a big shift in lifestyle for me which occurred after I made that move.  It’s something I’ve managed to retain in my lifestyle back at home in the US.  I now know that prolonged moments of slowing down are essential for me in order to enjoy my life more fully and to keep my creative juices flowing. 

I hope these initial thoughts will inspire you to reflect on and celebrate the benefits of travel you have experienced in your own personal journeys.